Characteristics of the Middle Triassic sequence of the western Mecsek Mts
The most recent mapping project of the western margin of the Mecsek Mts put the Middle Triassic lithostratigraphy in a
new perspective. The Kán Dolomite Formation above the “Muschelkalk” sequence (Lapis and Zuhánya Limestone) is
overlain by bituminous limestones and marls characterized by oolitic bioclastic intercalations and lenses. This unit is
considered to be in a normal stratigraphic position in the upper part of the Middle Triassic succession between the Gorica
Valley and Hetvehely. Due to its sedimentological features, facies and stratigraphic position this limestone can be correlated
with the Kisrét Limestone of Misina (central part of the Mecsek) and with the Templomhegy Formation of the Villány Hills.
Its supposed age is late Ladinian. Based on transitions of the coeval facies and the trend of their thicknesses the Middle
Triassic of the Gorica area shows transitional features between the central part of the Mecsek Mts and Villány Hills.