Paroniceratidae (Ammonitina) of the Toarcian from the Gerecse Mts (NE Transdanubian Range, Hungary)

  • Zoltán Kovács


The Toarcian–Aalenian Ammonoidea fauna of the Gerecse Mts belongs to the Mediterranean Province of the
Mediterran–Caucasian Realm. In this paper the Toarcian Paroniceratidae (Hildocerataceae), represented by genera
Frechiella, Paroniceras, and Oxyparoniceras are detailed; furthermore, stratigraphical distributions are briefly discussed.
Nine species are described and figured: Frechiella subcarinata (YOUNG & BIRD), Frechiella kammerkarensis (STOLLEY),
Frechiella venantii (CATULLO), Frechiella achillei RENZ, Paroniceras sternale (BUCH in D’ORBIGNY), Paroniceras
helveticum RENZ, Paroniceras cf. bisbinensis RENZ, Oxyparoniceras (Oxyparoniceras) telemachi (RENZ), Oxyparoniceras
(Oxyparoniceras) buckmani (BONARELLI). The latter are the first Oxyparonicerasrecords from Hungary.

How to Cite
KovácsZ. (2020). Paroniceratidae (Ammonitina) of the Toarcian from the Gerecse Mts (NE Transdanubian Range, Hungary). Földtani Közlöny, 140(2), 119-134. Retrieved from

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