Az MTA Könyvtár és Információs Központ folyóirat-megjelentetési platformja. A szolgáltatásról bővebben információ
ide kattintva olvasható. A rendszerben megjelenő folyóiratokat az alábbi lista betűrendben mutatja be.


  • Állattani Közlemények

    Zoological Communications (Zool.Comm.) was established in 1902. Its aim is to give up-to-date knowledge on the results of local and international zoological studies, to support and develop professional language in Hungarian. Manuscripts of lectures presented in the meetings of the Zoological Section of the Hungarian Biological Society are especially welcome. Earlier volumes of  Zool.Comm. contain historical publications of well-known Hungarian zoologists.

  • Anthropologiai Közlemények

    Anthropologiai Közlemények (AK) is the official journal of the Anthropological Section of the Hungarian Biological Society. The volumes are published by support of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. AK publishes original scientific articles from the fields of biological anthropology both from national and international research institutes. The most important research results from every research field of biological anthropology are proportionately published in AK.

  • Apis

    The articles published in the APIS journal encompass all segments in a wider sense than just the scientific fields related to bees, ranging from Bee Biology to Bee Health, Beekeeping Economy, Pollination and Bee Flora, Technology and Quality, Rural Development, to apitherapy.

    Original articles - research papers, book reviews, reports, repository of articles, overview studies, conference abstracts, conference papers or posters, and systematic reviews provide publication opportunities for all beekeeping-related authors.

    The articles are accessible to everyone for free (Open access) and incur low costs for the authors. Publication opportunities are determined not by financial background or research budget, but by the informational content and quality of the research.

    The original articles will be peer-reviewed, indexed and identified by the DOI system. A fundamental requirement is the accurate citation of materials used and acknowledgment of the original authors. Transparency is coupled with strict ethical rules, such as the prohibition of chain citation.

    We collect conference oral presentations abstracts, conference posters, reviews, prospective randomized trial results, case studies, observations and summaries of MSc and PhD theses. Submitted papers undergo double-blind peer review by minimum three independent reviewers.

  • Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

    Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae was founded in 1955 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (back volumes are available here: This journal publishes original works in the fields of animal taxonomy and systematics, zoogeography, animal ecology and behaviour, population biology, biodiversity studies and nature conservation problems of international interest. Studies of extinct as well as living animals are included. Besides research articles, reviews and opinion papers are very welcome. Publishing short communication, faunistic records, checklist, catalogue or new species for a given area is not the focus of our publishing policy. This journal is fairly rapid (the average time from submission to publishing was about 10 months in the last decade). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is published quarterly in four issues in February, May, August, and November. The journal is indexed in BIOSIS, Biological Abstracts, Abstracts of Entomology, Forest Science Database, Current Contents, Science Citation Index Expanded, Zoological Records, Scopus, DOAJ.

  • Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law

    Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Law is the journal of CEDR-Magyar Agrárjogi Egyesület, which is published twice a year electronically. It ensures the disclosure and spreading of scientific results. It serves the change of information in the academic life, as well as the spreading of knowledge in the field of agricultural, environmental and energy law. It introduces the questions in connection with Common Agricultural Policy and its Hungarian application, which arise in the research field of agricultural and rural law. The journal is open to the publication of opinions and suggestions concerning the governmental and international organisations of agricultural and rural law. 

  • Beszédtudomány - Speech Science

    The journal Beszédtudomány - Speech Science is a successor of the former journal Beszédkutatás.

    The last issue of Beszédkutatás, nr. 27, published in 2019, and preceding online issues are available here:


  • Beszédkutatás


    The journal Beszédkutatás will be continued under the name Beszédtudomány - Speech Science from 2020 on.

    The new journal is available here:

  • Botanikai Közlemények

    Botanikai Közlemények is the journal of the Botanical Section of the Hungarian Biological Society. It publishes original research articles and reviews in Hungarian or in English from all fields of plant science (floristics, systematics, phytocoenology, phytogeography, palaeobotany, conservation, anatomy, morphology, (eco)physiology, ecology, genetics, horticulture, and history of botanical science). Each manuscript is checked by two referees. One volume with two issues are published each year.

  • Hungarian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology

    A Bőrgyógyászati és Venerológiai Szemle a Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat hivatalos peer review, tudományos, szakmai folyóirata, mindenki számára teljes szöveggel elérhető, nyílt hozzáférésű lap.

    A Bőrgyógyászati és Venerológiai Szemle 1923-ban Egyed Dávid és Lehner Imre szerkesztésében indult útjára. 1928-tól a Magyar Dermatológiai Társulat hivatalos lapja. A magyar bőrgyógyász társadalom egyetlen peer reviewed szakmai tudományos médiuma. A folyóirat nyelve magyar, minden cikkében angol nyelvű összefoglalóval és angol nyelvű kulcsszavakkal. A folyóirat 2 havonta jelenik meg.

    A folyóiratban elsősorban a bőrgyógyászat, nemi betegségek és kozmetológia/esztétika különböző területén végzett kutatások eredményeiből született máshol még nem közölt eredeti közlemények jelennek meg. Helyet biztosít interdiszciplináris kutatási eredményekből született eredeti közlemények számára, és egyik legfontosabb célja a bőrgyógyászok szakmai folyamatos képzésének és továbbképzésének szolgálata. E célkitűzéssel a Bőrgyógyászati és Venerológiai Szemle Szerkesztő Bizottsága által felkért szaktekintélyek által összeállított összefoglaló közleményeknek rendszeresen helyet biztosít.

    A folyóirat a közlésekért nem kér "közlési díjat", Article Processing Charge-ot.

  • Central European Academy Law Review

    The Central European Academy Law Review is a student-run journal whose primary purpose is to establish an academic publication forum for legal scholars and practitioners. The Review accepts legal scholarship of all kinds, irrespective of whether it is of private, public, EU or international law nature, provided that it concentrates on legal issues related to the Central and Eastern European region.

  • Central European Journal of Comparative Law

    The Central European Journal of Comparative Law (CEJCL) aims at establishing itself as a comparative legal research forum that analyses both private and public law of primarily, but not exclusively, European countries. Manuscripts from the field of comparative politics are also accepted. Both the CEJCL research topics and adopted approach are relevant to the Central European and East Central European region, and hence, it also intends to build its reputation as a major publication within this region. CEJCL prefers thematic issues to advance more straightforward comparability. Ensuring the ‘best practises’ and making different legal solutions available and interpretable to the relevant group of countries is of utmost importance to CEJCL.

  • Civil Rewiev

    Civil Szemle is a professional journal launched in 2004, which publishes scientific analyses and studies on civil society, social cooperation and the nonprofit sector. The journal publishes studies in Hungarian and English and is also included in various international rankings.  Manuscripts for publication follow a double anonymous peer review process. Civil Review is published four times a year, with occasional special issues. Each issue is freely accessible after publication.

  • Danubian Animal Genetic Resources

    The journal was founded in 2016 by the DAGENE Association (International Association for the Conservation of Animal Breeds in the Danube Region). The profile of the journal, reflecting the Association's mission, is to research, evaluate, present and document the conservation of endangered domestic animal breeds and their frontier areas in a scientific manner. The journal is mainly waiting for manuscripts on breed preservation in the Danube Valley from members of the Association, but also welcomes manuscripts from other dedicated authors and PhD students from other regions of the world, in English.

  • Health Promotion

    The mission of Health Promotion (HUngary) is to promote professional communication between health and other sectors, and to contribute to raising the standards of national and international health promotion and public health, thereby improving the health of the population. The journal publishes papers on the theory and international and national practice of health promotion and public health for all those involved directly or indirectly in health promotion, including professionals not only in health but also in other sectors such as education and social work.

  • Hungarian Journal of Dentistry

    A Fogorvosi Szemle (Stomatologia Hungarica) a Magyar Fogorvosok Egyesületének tudományos folyóirata. Elsősorban a fogászat és az orális biológia különböző területén végzett kutatások eredményeiből született eredeti közlemények fóruma. Publikálási lehetőséget biztosít a fogászattal kapcsolatos interdiszciplináris kutatási eredményeknek és összefoglaló közleményeknek.

  • Fontes Iuris

    A Fontes Iuris – mint az Igazságügyi Minisztérium 2015-ben útjára indult, negyedévenként megjelenő lapja – célja a tudomány és a gyakorlat közelítése a Minisztérium munkájában felmerülő tematikákon keresztül. A Fontes Iuris tudományos lapként működik:  a szerkesztőbizottság két anonim bíráló javaslata alapján dönt egy adott tanulmány megjelentetéséről, ezáltal is biztosítva a szakmai igényességet.

    A folyóirat nemcsak a jogtudomány, hanem valamennyi jogászi hivatásrend képviselőinek a tudományos igénnyel kidolgozott közleményeit is publikálja.

  • Fordítástudomány

    A Fordítástudomány magyar nyelvű, lektorált tudományos folyóirat, amelyet az ELTE BTK Fordító- és Tolmácsképző Tanszéke indított 1999-ben. A folyóirat évente kétszer jelenik meg, alcíme: Tanulmányok az írásbeli és szóbeli nyelvi közvetítés elmélete, gyakorlata és oktatása témaköréből.

  • Földrajzi Közlemények

    A Földrajzi Közlemények a Magyar Földrajzi Társaság negyedévente megjelenő tudományos folyóirata, a földrajztudomány vezető magyar nyelvű folyóirata, a földrajzi gondolatok és kutatási eredmények közreadásának egyik legonfontosabb anyanyelvi fóruma. A folyóirat elsősorban a természetföldrajz és a társadalomföldrajz témakörébe tartozó írásokat közöl, de helyet ad a Magyar Földrajzi Társaság működését és tevékenységét érintő beszámolóknak is. A Földrajzi Közlemények természetesen nyitott és nagy érdeklődést mutat a rokon tudományok képviselőinek publikációi iránt is. A tanulmányok nyomtatásban fekete-fehér formátumban, online pedig színesben jelennek meg évente négy alkalommal.

  • Földtani Közlöny

    The Földtani Közlöny (Bulletin of the Hungarian Geological Society)  is published since 1871. The aim of the journal is to publish new, original scientific results about the geology of the Carpatho-Pannonian area. Papers are peer reviewed and appear in Hungarian with preferably extended English abstract, bilingual figures and captions. English texts are also accepted. News and events of the Society also can be read. Since 2017 it is an Open Access journal. The Bulletin is indexed by the MTMT, CrossRef, Scopus and archived in MTA REAL and OSZK EPA.

  • Hungarian Military Science

    A Hadtudomány, a Magyar Hadtudományi Társaság által 1990-ben alapított, 2013-tól a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Hadtudományi Bizottságával közösen megjelentetett ’A’ kategóriás folyóirata, amely negyedévente nyomtatott formában, illetve folyamatosan frissülő online lapszámként is megjelenik.

  • Hungarian Journal of Hydrology

    The Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, the periodical of the Hungarian Hydrological Society has been published since 1921 in Hungarian, but also containing English title, summary, table and figure captions. The publication is one of Europe's oldest water-related professional periodicals. The journal publishes articles on the fields of engineering, natural sciences and professional law, related to water and water management. It publishes quarterly, occasionally some thematic special issues. The journal is peer-reviewed.
    The journal's articles are freely accessible (open access). Since 2023, the articles have CrossRef DOI identifier. The articles are indexed by the Hungarian Science Bibliography (MTMT) and archived by the REAL repository. Complete volumes are archived in the REAL-J repository.

  • Hungarian Geographical Bulletin

    The journal is aimed to publish the most important theoretical and empirical results and achievements born in physical and human geography in Hungary and geographical institutes of Central Europe. The journal offers a wide range of topics featuring the factors of the geographical environment with a special reference to the natural resources and socio-economic relations and the emerging environmental hazards and socio-economic problems of the 21st century in Central European context.

  • IME

    IME is a leading scientific journal of health managers. Its scope inclueds health policy and organisational management topics, as well as clinical research, importan from the perspective of the development of health care, health care organisations and health systems. Among others, the joural pays special attention to the digital transformation of health systems and organisations, health security and innovation.

  • Kaleidoscope : journal of history of science, culture and medicine

    Kaleidoscope is an open access journal, published since 2010. Humans are in the focus of our research, health and disease, approaches of healing, medical anthropology, diseases, epidemics, caritas and compassion, seeking a healthy life, and everything else concerning medical history in a wider context of science and cultural history, the timeframe ranging from ancient times to the present.

  • Scientific Review of Transport

    The Hungarian Society for Transport Sciences publishes a peer-reviewed journal called Scientific Review of Transport since 1951. The journal is the only Hungarian-language trade journal regarding transport science certified by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Scientific Review of Transport provided and providing an extremely popular publication interface among Hungarian researchers, lecturers and university students (MSc and PhD). The journal, published six times a year, can also be reached in printed form besides to the digital platform.

  • Law, Identity and Values

    The journal titled  Law, Identity and Values, as its title suggests it, aims to publish scholarly articles which are related to the particular values of the Central European region and which reflect the unique identity Central Europe has. The journal is committed to publish legal articles which present the specific legal tradition of Central European countries. Law, Identity and Valuesis not only a scholarly journal but also a mission to respect the traditions of Central European countries which have unique legal solutions with regard to certain issues.

  • Lelkipásztor

    Founded in 1925, the Lelkipásztor Lutheran Theological Journal is one of the oldest theological periodicals in Hungary. The professional background for editing the monthly paper is provided by the scientific apparatus of the Evangelical Lutheran University of Theology, as well as the editorial board and expert reviewers. Lelkipásztor is primarily a specialized theological journal which aims to support the continuing professional and methodological education of theologians, religious educators, and pastors. The journal also plays a significant role in the dissemination of scientific knowledge and is a platform for public theological discourse.

  • Literatura

    Literatura aims to be the leading Hungarian scholarly journal in theoretical studies of literature. It also supports empirical research efforts, especially those dealing with Hungarian and world literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, expecting them to carry an element of theoretical interest. Theoretical approaches of contemporary cultural phenomena are especially welcome. The journal supports interdisciplinary explorations on the neighbouring fields of culture, the media, and the arts. Particularly welcome are papers that make an original contribution to the disciplines of literary sociology, the economics of culture, digital humanities, and media aspects of literature. Many of the issues contain thematic, sometimes guest-edited blocks of contributions that either survey new developments in a particular field or present the recent achievements of a certain research community. Every issue is complete with a “Review” section where current scholarly works are evaluated by experts.

  • Hungarian Archives of Internal Medicine

    Hungarian Archives of Internal Medicine is the official journal of the Hungarian Internal Medicine Society, which was founded 75 years ago. The journal is displayed six times a year. The articles are published after proofreading. In the journal original and review articles, as well as case studies are published from the entire area of ​​internal medicine. Furthermore, the supplements related to the events of the Hungarian Society of Internal Medicine also appear. In addition to the printed publication, members of the Society of internal medicine can also read the paper on the internet.

  • Hungarian Philosophical Review

    A Magyar Filozófiai Szemle a magyar filozófiai élet legrégebben, több, mint 130 éve, megjelenő szakmai fóruma. A folyóirat 2010-től minden fontos területen megújult. Évente négy számot jelentet meg, amelyből egy idegennyelvű különszám. A lapszámok mindegyike tartalmaz egy előre meghirdetett témájú tanulmányblokkot, de tematikai megkötöttség nélkül is közöl tanulmányokat a Varia rovatban. Ezenkívül lehetőség van vitacikkek megjelentetésére a Fórum rovatban, valamint a filozófiatörténet rövidebb klasszikus szövegeinek kommentált fordítására, a Dokumentum rovatban továbbá magyar vonatkozású filozófiai művekről szóló recenziók közlésére. A folyóirat referált.

  • Journal for the History of Book and Periodicals in Hungary

    A Magyar Könyvszemle könyv- és sajtótörténeti folyóirat, 1876 óta jelenik meg, évente négy füzetben. A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia alapította, lapgazdái az MTA BTK Irodalomtudományi Intézete és az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár. A folyóirat a könyvszakma, a medievisztika, a reneszánszkutatás (ezeken belül főként a kodikológia), a kora újkori, az új- és modernkori sajtótörténet, valamint az ezekkel összefüggő irodalom- és művelődéstörténeti stúdiumok hazai fóruma. A magyar mellett angol, német és francia nyelvű tanulmányok is benyújthatók.

  • Magyar Orvosi Nyelv

    A folyóirat az orvosi nyelvvel és a magyar nyelvvel foglalkozó nyomtatott nyilvánosság, amelyben mindenki szabadon elmondhatja a véleményét. A magyar orvosi helyesírás egységesítésének, az új magyar orvosi nevezetek megteremtésének és az orvosi nyelvi emlékek megőrzésének színtere. Küldetése a magyar nyelvű orvosi nyelvünk újrateremtése. Semmiféle üzleti tevékenységet nem folytat, a nyomtatott számokat ingyen küldjük annak, aki kéri. 2018-tól alapvetően e-folyóiratként jelenik meg, lehetővé téve, hogy a világban szétszórt magyarok egyaránt hozzáférjenek.

  • Hungarian Traumatology Orthopedics Hand Surgery Plastic Surgery

    Hungarian Traumatology Orthopedics Hand Surgery Plastic Surgery was founded in 1958 by the National Institute of Traumatology. It has been published since 1992 under its current title, and has become the official journal of the four related professions. The MATROKPLASZT Journal Foundation has been the publisher since 2010. Our journal has a DOI number, and our articles are continuously recorded in the national bibliography of the Hungarian National Academic Archives (MTMT) and REAL Databases.

  • Multidisciplinary Health & Wellbeing

    The aim of the Multidisciplinary Health & Wellbeing journal is to promote and disseminate a more accurate and complete picture of health and wellbeing by presenting research on health and wellbeing from researchers across disciplines, and thereby contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of the population.

  • Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration

    Empirical or theoretical research papers, as well as methodological studies in the fields of economics, and other social sciences are welcome in our journal. Papers with critical or novel approaches are also welcome. All publications in our online journal has abstracts, keywords, and JEL code both in Hungarian and in English. Articles and papers published in our journal are double-blind peer reviewed. Our journal is Open Access. Topics for the following issue are continuously announced. We are planning to publish 2 issues a year.

  • Névtani Értesítő

    Névtani Értesítő, founded in 1979, is a peer-reviewed journal of Hungarian onomastics. It is co-published by the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies of Eötvös Loránd University and the Society of Hungarian Linguistics. In the journal, the section “Articles” releases new research results; the section “Onomastics and Events” reports on current Hungarian and international works and professional events; the sections “Book Reviews” and “Reviews on Periodicals” review the latest publications of Hungarian and foreign specialized literature. The authors of the articles published in the journal are representatives of various fields of sciences, mostly researchers of Linguistics and of the related branches of Humanities and Social Sciences from Hungary and the neighbouring countries. Submitted papers go through a blind double peer-reviewing process. The journal Névtani Értesítő keeps up relations with several international onomastic journals, many of which regularly review its issues. The issues of the journal Névtani Értesítő are published in Hungarian, with English lists of contents and abstracts.

  • Linguistic Bulletins

    Nyelvtudományi Közlemények [Linguistic Bulletins] is an annual journal that publishes peer-reviewed papers and book reviews primarily on the following topics: theoretical, descriptive and historical study of Hungarian and other Uralic languages; the study of languages in contact with Uralic languages; theoretical, descriptive and historical study of minority languages of Hungary; historical-comparative linguistics; language typology; the history of linguistics. The primary language of the journal is Hungarian, but each paper includes an abstract in English, and the table of contents is also available in English.

  • Pázmány Law Review

    Pázmány Law Review (PLR) is a multilingual journal published by Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. Volumes are published from 2013 onwards under the supervision of chief editor Prof. Nadja El Beheiri and editorial board Prof. Viktória Harsági and Prof. János Frivaldszky, supported by an international editorial board. PLR follows the process of double blind peer review. Each volume focuses on a particular topic (Thematic Focus), followed by papers of all fields of legal studies (Articles), and book reviews, conference reports, etc. (Current Issues). PLR accepts articles in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish; the key focus areas are natural law, legal philosophy, legal history, public law, private law, international law and environmental law, however all fields of legal studies are welcome.

  • Hungarian Review of Sociology

    Review of Sociology is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of the Hungarian Sociological Association, which publishes mainly original social scientific analyses and publications related to the Hungarian sociological scene. The journal invites original research on Hungary and Central and Eastern European societies, as well as analyses of social processes affecting the region from a broader perspective. It also welcomes innovative theoretical and methodological contributions of a more general nature. 

    It publishes four issues a year, each issue with a mixture of articles in Hungarian and English. The journal typically publishes one thematic issue per year, with guest editors assisting the editorial team. The journal is published in print and online.

    In 2008, Review of Sociology received the Quality Award of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (“MTA”) and the Academy Publishing House. The journal is indexed in the following databases: Scopus, Google Scholar, MTMT, Dimensions, Lens, Scilit, CORE, and BASE. The publication of the journal is supported by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

  • Dance and Education

    Dance and Education is a scientific journal of the Hungarian Dance University. It publishes studies on the interdisciplinary fields of dance and social sciences - with particular emphasis on dance education and psychological approaches. Dance and Education accepts papers in English and Hungarian, which can be based on empirical research, systematic literature reviews, or presentation of methodological developments. Articles undergo double-blind revision. The diamond open-access journal is published twice a year in both online and print format and in both English and Hungarian.

  • Természetvédelmi Közlemények


    Természetvédelmi Közlemények is the journal of the Nature Conservation and Ecology Section of the Hungarian Biological Society. It publishes papers in Hungarian language, with English abstracts, concerning primarily the nature conservation of the Carpathian basin. We would like this journal to be the basic source for all conservation planning and work. We hope that all people interested in nature conservation will own this paper, including field managers, decision makers, researchers, teachers, and students. Since 2009, the journal is published just online, with open access. The journal has a CrossRef DOI identifier. The papers are indexed by the Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára (MTMT), and archived by the MTA REAL repository. The full volumes are archived by the MTA REAl-J repository.

  • Defence Science

    Defence Science is the official online scientific journal of the hungarian Disaster Management. The purpose is to present and introduce publications related to firefighting, civil protection, industrial safety and other connecting fields. The primary goal of the journal's operation is to support the work of authors researching in disaster prevention and related scientific fields and to provide them the possibility of publication at the highest possible level. During this activity, priority is given to those authors who are doctoral students and have obligations to publicate in order to complete their studies or obtain a degree. The editorial office of Defense Science also aims to raise the quality of the published content to the highest possible level, as well as the gradual, continuous development of the paper on a scientific level.