Víznél sűrűbb, nem vizes fázisú szennyező anyagok transzportfolyamatainak szimulációja felszín alatti közegben

  • Balázs Zákányi
  • Péter Szűcs


Chlorinated hydrocarbons are chemicals which are denser than water. Except for their subsurface geological features, the behaviour of chlorinated hydrocarbons may be considered based on their chemical, physical-chemical characteristics and influence. Density, kinematic viscosity, surface tension, chemical composition, solubility in water, vapour pressure, Henry constant and wetting parameters can all play a significant role in simulation reliability. Concerning these parameters, it is difficult to find necessary information about DNAPLs (Dense Non-Aquaeous Phase Liquid).

The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) was used in this research investigation. Two modules of the GMS — namely, the UTCHEM and SEAM3D — were applied for simulation purposes. UTCHEM is a special module which was
developed at the Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin; it is a chemical flood simulator for enhanced oil recovery design. In recent years, the Utchem has been adapted for a variety of environmental applications as well. The second applied module was the SAEAM3D: this is a special reactive transport model used to simulate complex biodegradation problems involving multiple substrates and multiple electron acceptors.

How to Cite
ZákányiB., & SzűcsP. (2019). Víznél sűrűbb, nem vizes fázisú szennyező anyagok transzportfolyamatainak szimulációja felszín alatti közegben. Földtani Közlöny, 144(1), 63-70. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/foldtanikozlony/article/view/2067

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