The importance of online wine purchasing in Hungary and its changes during the Pandemic

Keywords: online wine purchasing, wine purchasing changes, Pandemic, Hungary


The aim of the paper is to examine the changes in wine consumption habits in the last few years and the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic in Hungary, the changes in international wine trade regarding the online and offline sales trends. The pandemic caused a great challenge for the wine sector, since many consumption premises (restaurants, events) could not be in operation, however, with the development of the online trade a sales channel became stronger. Surveys related to wine consumption and trade in Hungary are usually ad hoc, and barely deal with online shopping. At the same time, the Great Wine Test follow the domestic wine consumption and purchasing habits by the same questionary from 2016, therefore it is suitable to track the possible changes. This study analyses the online buying tendencies based on the 2016, 2018 and 2021 data with a sample of 27993, 8552, and 1461 respectively, to compare the years before and after the pandemic. Research questions were as follows: had the wine consumption been changed in this period and was there any shift towards online wine purchasing. Results show that there are no significant changes in most of the indicators, however, the proportion of online purchasing notably increased in the years of the pandemic. It is important to note that no significant change took place in the total sales volume. Results on online buying habits show that there were similar changes in Hungary to other markets.

Author Biographies

Dávid Harsányi, Budapest Business University, Faculty of International Management and Business, Department of Marketing

Associate professor

Erika Hlédik , Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Marketing and Argumentation

Associate professor


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How to Cite
HarsányiD., Hlédik E., & MátéZ. (2023). The importance of online wine purchasing in Hungary and its changes during the Pandemic. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, 3-27.