Overview of the international mineral resource classification framework and the reporting standards for solid minerals

  • Zoltán Horváth Magyar Földtani és Geofizikai Intézet, e-mail: horvath.zoltan@mfgi.hu
  • Katalin Sári Magyar Földtani és Geofizikai Intézet, e-mail: sari.katalin@mfgi.hu
  • Béla Fodor e-mail: drfodorbela@t-online.hu
Keywords: mineral resource, reserve, UN, classification, reporting standards


The Hungarian Office for Mining and Geology (hereinafter MBFH) and the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary (hereinafter MFGI) are working in co-operation on a project (hereinafter ”project”) which aims to achieve the joint modernization of the national mineral resources inventory and classification. This research project has been commissioned by the MBFH and also involves the Hungarian Geological Society. The implementation of the modernization involves careful examination of the content requirements of the exploration reports on the mineral resources. During the research the project members analysed the mineral resources classification systems applied in
practice, as well as the reporting standards and codes based on the classification. The most important ones will be briefly presented in this article and the subsequent papers.
This paper focuses on the classification systems applied for solid minerals, with the latest version of the United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC), the CRIRSCO Template and the USGS system being given special attention. The harmonization possibilities of different classifications are also introduced.
It is a considerable challenge for the institutions and organizations involved in the project to discuss the applied definitions and methods then come to an agreement about the common ground on a theoretical level and then practical application. One of the certain results of the project will be the requirement for operators to provide data in line with the international codes. These data should meet all the standard formal and content stipulations. Furthermore, the State Inventory of Minerals and Geothermal Energy maintained by the MBFH should have the capacity to manage this information. The harmonization of data and their efficient management represent a connection between these factors and this is of fundamental importance in achieving modern mineral resource management.

How to Cite
HorváthZ., SáriK., & FodorB. (2016). Overview of the international mineral resource classification framework and the reporting standards for solid minerals. Földtani Közlöny, 146(2), 107-122. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/foldtanikozlony/article/view/71