Palladio: Citta ideale

The Ideal Renaissance City

  • Julianna Farkas Budapest, Business School, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Pedagogy
Keywords: Renaissance, architecture, antiquity, Palladio


The focus of my study is not on the architectural solutions of the Renaissance -although, due to the nature of the topic, I will lightly touch on the basics of the architecture of the era as well- but on the ideals, values, systems, and cultural influences that gave birth to the tools and concepts used in architecture. In my essay, I sought answers to the following questions: What was an ideal city in the Renaissance, and how was it represented in Palladio's works? What views and attitudes were behind the concepts and ideals, and most importantly, how these views and attitudes influenced the architecture?  Where did Palladio gain his architectural ideals, and what made his works so intensely researched even in later historical periods?

To understand the topic, I examine the intellectual, cultural, and urban architectural characteristics of the mature Renaissance era, I review the systems and concepts influenced Palladio's thinking and artistic expression. I primarily analyze the theoretical work of the ancient architect and theoretician Vitruvius, as it was the base for Renaissance architects in general, including Palladio. Later in the essay, I present the work of the Renaissance creator, Leon Battista Alberti, and the summary of his architectural work since he most likely had the greatest influence on Palladio. A realized example of the ideal Renaissance city is Bernardo Rossellino's work. Rossellino was commissioned by Pope Pius II, to build a perfect city, later named after the pope as Pienza. In the case of Palladio, first, I observe him as a theoretician to present the ideal city he envisioned, Vicenza, with an analysis of the most important buildings designed by Palladio. Finally, I draw attention to the influence of Palladio and the phenomenon of Palladianism in Europe and North America.

My goal, based on the analysis of the literature and my own experiences, is to examine the artistic expression of ideas spanning each era through the activities of a specific artist, Palladio.

Author Biography

Julianna Farkas, Budapest, Business School, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Pedagogy

College Professor


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How to Cite
FarkasJ. (2023). Palladio: Citta ideale : The Ideal Renaissance City. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, 7-38.