The Psychological Well-Being Of Students Studying In Economic Higher Education Institutions – A Questionnaire Research
Since students spend nearly half of their waking hours at university or college, enormous emphasis should be placed on maintaining and improving their mental health.
They attend lectures, participate in seminars, and engage in team work on a daily basis, just to mention the most typical tasks.
However, students being at university not only deepens their knowledge, but it also has a significant impact on both their self-esteem and self-image.
This, in turn, affects their feeling of satisfaction and happiness from a different perspective.
Outstanding student performance plays a significant role in the ranking of higher education institutions.
It is proven that outstanding performance (both in elite sports and in education) is achieved by strong mental and physical endurance. (Fodor & Korényi, 2019; Reinhardt et al., 2019)
The issue of mental health in economic higher education is particularly exciting as here students are highly competitive.
In my study, I present the partial results of a comprehensive research regarding the mental health and psychological well-being of students studying in economic higher education.
The research is based on the questions of a special, validated questionnaire (EPOCH questionnaire), that is named after Engagement, Perseverance, Optimism, Connectedness, and Happiness.
Students participating in the research were examined along these aspects.
The questionnaire was completed at seven universities / faculties by 690 full-time and correspondence course students in the first year of undergraduate economics.
My research questions are:
- What kind of results are achieved by first-year students in terms of the EPOCH questionnaire and in terms of gender?
- Can a significant correlation be established…
- between the gender of the respondents and the statements examined?
- between the place of residence of the respondents and the statements examined?
- between the age of the respondents and the statements examined?
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