Sustainability in the Automotive Industry

The Situation of Electric Cars in Hungary from The User's Perspective

  • Mónika Pónusz Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Economics, Health Sciences and Social Studies, Institute of Economics and Management, Department of Business Development, Commerce, Marketing and Communication
  • Kitti Klinszky Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Economics, Health Sciences and Social Studies
Keywords: Sharing Economy, Collaborative Economy, Collaborative Consumption, Sustainability


In our study, we want to provide an overview of the use of electric cars in Hungary. We present a brief history of the development of traditional and electric cars. We shed light on the use of electric cars in connection with sustainability from a domestic and international perspective. Regulations, trends and consumer expectations all show that sustainability is an important topic, and the automotive industry is also at the center of it.

We will examine the quality of the infrastructure developed around the electric car and the establishment of solar parks in Hungary. Also, the installation of electric car chargers, including fast chargers, which factors affect the user side in the field of electric cars in our country.

 We investigate whether the electric car is more sustainable than the conventional car. In terms of costs, is it economically more worthwhile to buy an electric car compared to a conventional car. In relation to charging, we examined three variations, here the conclusion is that the cost of charging is the most favorable for electric car owners who have a solar panel in their home.

By enabling electric vehicles to interact with the grid and potentially serve as energy storage devices, EVs can facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources, further bolstering their sustainability.

We would like to draw attention to the importance of protecting the environment, our living space, and practicing environmentally conscious behavior when using a car.

We used a mixed methodology: secondary sources and in-depth expert interviews as primary research.

Author Biographies

Mónika Pónusz, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Economics, Health Sciences and Social Studies, Institute of Economics and Management, Department of Business Development, Commerce, Marketing and Communication

Associate Professor

Kitti Klinszky , Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Faculty of Economics, Health Sciences and Social Studies



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How to Cite
PónuszM., & Klinszky K. (2024). Sustainability in the Automotive Industry: The Situation of Electric Cars in Hungary from The User’s Perspective. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, 79-112.