Online Business Models in Practice: Analysis of Websites and Mobile Applications

Keywords: business model, online, digitalization


Business models show how organizations create value. In today’s world, digitalization, which is inevitable for most organizations, results in a change in the internal processes of organizations, which also increases their operational efficiency. New technologies are transforming business operations and more and more online business models are emerging instead of traditional business models, using disruptive innovation in many cases. The research reviews the previous classifications of online business models based on the literature to determine what types of online business models exist. An own online business model classification is described which groups these models fully and logically resulting in 10 main online business model types. During the testing of the classification, the first step is to compare with online business models in the literature, the second step is to check the models used in the real world. The latter is done by manual analysis of two databases of a total sample of 700, in which the frequency of using each online business model type is also examined, answering the question of whether there is a most commonly used online business model. The research shows that the most used online business model is the intellectual property landlord, which is used in more than half of the samples analyzed. The results of the research can be well used by companies willing to enter the online market.

Author Biography

Roland Schmuck, University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics

Associate Professor


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How to Cite
SchmuckR. (2024). Online Business Models in Practice: Analysis of Websites and Mobile Applications. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (1), 82-114.