New Challenges Ahead: Artificial Intelligence and University Education

  • István Pető Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Rural Development and Sustainable Economy Department of Digitalization and Consultancy in Agriculture
  • Árpád Endre Kovács Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Rural Development and Sustainable Economy Department of Digitalization and Consultancy in Agriculture
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, higher education, OpenAI


There has been exponential progress in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Every week, new results and applications are emerging for which society, including higher education, is not prepared.

Universities are also looking for ways forward. Some are trying to restrict or ban the use of AI, others are at a loss, but many are trying to find some legal ways of using this phenomenon, which is also of concern to students, in education and research. The use of AI raises a number of ethical, educational and resource management questions, for which we do not yet have clear answers.

In this article, we examine the role of AI in university education, the advantages and disadvantages that this new technology can bring to the field of education. First, we review the various aspects of university education and AI, based on analyses published in the literature in recent months, and then we present the conclusions drawn from our own first teaching experiences and student opinions. We examine the usefulness of this technology in exploring literature sources, and finally we compare the performance of our students and AI in our own field by analysing exam solutions from recent years.

In our conclusions, we also address issues related to the responsibility of educators and make suggestions for the use of machine intelligence as Artificial Reason (Reasoning), touching on its ethical and techno-technological aspects.

In our article we purposely use the term Artificial Reasoning in place of the term machine or artificial intelligence to draw attention to the need for a more rigorous checking of the results of the answers we receive, since in many cases we get seemingly correct answers, which then turn out to be false.

In the context of our results, we see the criticism of limited validity due to rapid progress, but we are in a state of urgency to address this phenomenon, because without it, progress will overtake us and without answers, our training systems may become irreversibly obsolete.

Author Biographies

István Pető, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Rural Development and Sustainable Economy Department of Digitalization and Consultancy in Agriculture

Master Lecturer

Árpád Endre Kovács, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Rural Development and Sustainable Economy Department of Digitalization and Consultancy in Agriculture

Associate Professor


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How to Cite
PetőI., & Kovács Árpád E. (2023). New Challenges Ahead: Artificial Intelligence and University Education. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (2), 36-65.