Scleractinia fauna from the Middle Miocene deposits of Letkés (Börzsöny Mts, Hungary)
A rich Middle Miocene Scleractinia fauna is described and illustrated from the Badenian (Middle Miocene) deposits of Letkés (Bagoly Hill, Börzsöny Mts, N Pannonian Basin, Hungary). The material consists of both zooxanthellate (e.g., Echinopora, Porites, Solenastrea, Tarbellastraea, Turbinaria), and azooxanthellate (e.g., Balanophyllia, Caryophyllia, Flabellum, Stephanophyllia) taxa. The 25 species represent the most highly diverse coral assemblage of the Pannonian Basin. Eleven species are recorded for the first time in Hungary.