50th anniversary of the Lalonde report

  • MEJ Editorial Board Multidisciplinary Health&Wellbeing


In 1974, Marc Lalonde, Canada's Minister of Health and Welfare, published "New Perspectives on the Health of Canadians", which became known as the "Lalonde Report". The report has had a transformative impact on the way the world thinks about health, with the authors pointing out that lifestyle and environment, in addition to biological causes and health care systems, play a crucial role in the breakdown and recovery of health. The report has since become a key document for health promotion.

How to Cite
MEJE. B. (2024). 50th anniversary of the Lalonde report. Multidisciplinary Health & Wellbeing, 2(4), 1-2. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/MEJ/article/view/17849
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