Quantitative research involving health care professionals to investigate health care for individuals with autism

  • Bettina Trixler Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
  • Henriette Pusztafalvi Department of Health Promotion and Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, healthcare worker, healthcare, competence


INTRODUCTION: Healthcare for people with autism spectrum disorders can face many barriers due to their symptoms. International literature suggests that healthcare professionals have a lack of knowledge about the characteristics of the condition.

METHODS: Quantitative, online cross-sectional survey was conducted using targeted sampling between September 2020 and February 2021 (N=100). A self-designed questionnaire was used in the research. The study aimed to explore health professionals' knowledge and specific patterns of care. Descriptive statistical analysis, χ2 test, Fisher test, Pearson correlation, linear regression and ANOVA were used. Results were considered significant at the p<0.05 level.

RESULTS: The survey assessed data from 100 respondents. More than half of the health workers scored at least good on knowledge about autism. The average of their competence level was medium (3.87/7). 95.5% of the respondents had used some element of a supportive environment. A significantly higher proportion of those with 15-29 years of work experience scored at least proficient (p<0.001). Active inpatient care required significant additional time (p=0.004). The degree of difficulty of the physical examination (r=0.628) and noninvasive intervention (r=0.651) determined the greatest percentage of additional difficulty (p<0.001). A significantly higher proportion (p=0.014) of professionals (76.2%) with knowledge of information essential for the care of autistic people reported that the care of individuals with autism required significant additional time.

CONCLUSION: Although the significant results of the present study are not suitable for generalisation due to the low number of elements and sampling characteristics. Further studies are essential to establish the adapted interventions. The integration of evidence-based, autism-specific methodologies into health care is essential for effective interventions, also based on international findings.


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How to Cite
TrixlerB., & PusztafalviH. (2024). Quantitative research involving health care professionals to investigate health care for individuals with autism. Multidisciplinary Health & Wellbeing, 2(2), 25-38. https://doi.org/10.58701/mej.11358