Beszámoló a XXIV. Nemzetközi Névtudományi Kongresszusról

  • Judit Kozma
Kulcsszavak: ICOS, Nemzetközi Névtudományi Társaság, nemzetközi névtani kongresszus, Barcelona, beszámoló


Report on the 24th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences  


The International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS) organized its twenty-fourth congress entitled “Names in daily life” in Barcelona, 5–9 of September, 2011. The approximately 450 participants in the congress were able to present the results of their recent research in sessions focusing on these various topics: Terminology, Onomastic Theory, Onomastics and Linguistics, Names in Society, Anthroponomastics, Toponomastics, Onomastics and History, Onomastics and Geography, Onomastics and Culture, Cartography and Place Names: New Platforms for Information Management, Onomastics and Standardization Process, and Catalan Onomastics.

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