A égitestek neveiről és helyesírásukról

  • Judit Kozma
Kulcsszavak: Földön kívüli helynevek, csillagok, bolygók, csillagképek, üstökösök nevei, égitestek neveinek helyesírása


On the names of celestial bodies and their orthography

Astronomy is one of the oldest, but also most modern sciences of humankind. Although Hungarian astronomers have been displaying a high level of competence in this branch of science for centuries, neither a general onomastic survey nor an official astronomical orthographic dictionary has been published in Hungarian. This paper intends to enumerate the most characteristic name types given to important celestial bodies (planets and their satellites, planetoids, stars and their constellations, comets, etc.) on the basis of popular astronomical works. The most important orthographic features of these names are also treated. The author’s aim in the long run is to present a basis for a possible future overview of astronomical terminology by establishing related onomastic as well as orthographic principles. This paper presents the results of the author’s pilot study.

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