Mother Russia, Step-Mother Hungary: New Home for Russian Migrants

  • Ekaterina Popova National University of Public Service
Keywords: Russian migration, globalisation, national identity, circular and return migration, migrant worker


The issue of migration is not new, but clearly requires renewed attention, especially when it comes to the national interest and the identification and integration of future migrants. This paper describes some of the problems of modern Russian emigration and offers an analysis, in the context of modern realities, as to why Russians choose to emigrate to Hungary.

This essay explores the real causes of “push” and “pull” factors and the ability or readiness of Russians who live in Hungary to be a part of the society. Additionally, considering the globalisation process, it examines circular and return migration as a new ‘hybrid’ form of migration in which the final destination cannot be assured.

The study uses the systematic methodology of grounded theory and interview and is a part of the dissertation. This research can be useful for either migration researchers or policymakers.

Author Biography

Ekaterina Popova, National University of Public Service

PhD Student


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How to Cite
PopovaE. (2021). Mother Russia, Step-Mother Hungary: New Home for Russian Migrants. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (2), 28-46.