Role of Knowledge Management in Managing Technology Competences

  • Letícia Pekk University of Pannonia
  • András Háry ZalaZONE Industrial Park Ltd.
Keywords: knowledge management, technological competence, technological skills, knowledge base, technological knowledge


A large amount and high quality of scientific resources are available for the conceptual definition and model-level examination of knowledge management. The present study attempts to link research and development, innovation, technology management and technological competence based on a theoretical summary of knowledge management. To this end, the theoretical findings of knowledge management will be further broken down into an approach on the part of research and development and innovation and technology management, followed by further interpretation through the known conceptual definitions of technological competence. The message of the definitions examined in the context of the industrial approach to technological competence is that technological competence is a common set of human and technical skills, which accordingly requires a comprehensive and complex management approach. The targeted areas and relationships articulated by the research questions will be explored along with the processing of literature sources and the drawing of conclusions. At the end of the study, conclusions are drawn that will prepare further research. It can be stated that there is no accepted methodology against the required technological competencies, and their measurement methods are only partially adequate. At the same time, it is an extremely important topic not only for companies but also for academies.

Author Biographies

Letícia Pekk, University of Pannonia

PhD student

András Háry, ZalaZONE Industrial Park Ltd.

Chief Executive Officer


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How to Cite
PekkL., & HáryA. (2021). Role of Knowledge Management in Managing Technology Competences. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (2), 140-169.