Strengthening the Factor of Regional Capital Identity by the Athletes Identity
One of the manifestations of the relationship between identity and sport is when sport strengthens community life and the community is an active member and supporter of the sport. National or regional identity is a cultural heritage. In this aspect, sports identity can be interpreted as a part of social culture. The study presents the relationship between sport and local identity and their impact on social capital. Our research aims to assess the athlete's identity and examine its impact on the social capital of an area. The question is whether integration into sport becomes an identity; and what extent would the respondents stay in / stay in sports or their region after their sports career? We examine the impact of athletes' identities on the educational and economic environment, as they form a decisive segment of training and the labor market. The attitudes of identities about sport are reflected in the capital elements that appear in the development and competitiveness of the region. Identity patterns illustrate the definition of athletes, regional, national identities and their effects on each other. Empirical research shows that the athlete's identity appears at the athletes, its effect on the territorial capital is valid as a component of territorial, social and human capital. The result of the research is a new direction in the elements of the competitiveness development mechanism, which shows the capital value of the athlete segment.
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