THE Importance of Agricultural Precision Farming in Competitiveness
Precision farming is a set of technical, IT, information technology and production technology applications that make production and agricultural machinery organization more efficient. Precision farming is increasingly used in agriculture today. The demand for agricultural products will grow dynamically over the next few decades, and this can be met by more efficient production, an important tool. The development of precision agricultural technology, mechanization and agricultural informatics has undergone significant development in recent years. Its spread is due to the combination of agricultural technical and IT developments. As a result of development, various digital devices and software are now available to farmers in Hungary. Precision farming means the practical appearance of digitized agriculture, the use of digital solutions in agriculture, where developments are directed to how to manage in a more competitive way, to increase efficiency, while also placing great emphasis on environmental sustainability. Agri-digitalization promotes stability and predictability, increases efficiency, and makes competitiveness and higher income levels available. Precision farming is now an indispensable part of competitive agricultural production, helping to rationalize farming costs. It can be said that farms are open to precision solutions, but there are challenges to effective spreading, e.g. properly trained workforce, capital, etc. The main purpose of my research is to review the importance of agricultural precision farming in terms of competitiveness.
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