• Etelka Katits KENF Üzletviteli Tanácsadó Cég
  • Éva Szalka Széchenyi István Egyetem, Mezőgazdaság- és Élelmiszertudományi Kar
  • Franciska Nagy KENF Üzletviteli Tanácsadó Cég
  • Tamás Könczöl KENF Üzletviteli Tanácsadó Cég
Keywords: tourism case and database analysis, financial diagnosis, growth opportunities, non-systematic risk


We look at the economic sector that today has been achieved sales of over HUF 1,000 billion. We focus on the content of financial audit.  Integrated and intelligent benefit management, growth indicators, non-systematic and specific risk management are of particular importance today. The purpose of the study is to make a financial diagnosis. The subject of the study: is the ’accommodation and catering’ sector, which includes the top Hungarian companies. Applied methodology: case- and database analysis with FINel Diagnostic and Value Creation System and EkoWIN Financial Analyzer, Forecasting and Company Valuation Computer Expert System. Investigaterd database: is a filtered sectoral sample of the Hungarian top 500 and the county’s top 1000 companies, which includes balance sheet and profit and loss accounts. The results of the study may help work financial decisions makers for planning, management, monitoring and controlling. The study question: Is the examined company or sector profitable, while it is solvency, non-indebted, perspective efficient asset management? How did the market position map change as a function of profitability and risk mix? In the framework of the diagnostic preparation resulting from the financial analysis, one can infer the growth prospects, financial chances and financing of the tourism sector. The results of our study can help financial managers to plan, manage and control, especially the IGR and SGR growth rates by knowing SNR, asset financing adequacy and liquidity management.

Author Biographies

Etelka Katits, KENF Üzletviteli Tanácsadó Cég

Stratégiai ügyvezető, pénzügyi turnaround szakértő

Éva Szalka, Széchenyi István Egyetem, Mezőgazdaság- és Élelmiszertudományi Kar

egyetemi docens, dékán

Franciska Nagy, KENF Üzletviteli Tanácsadó Cég

Operatív ügyvezető, gazdasági elemző

Tamás Könczöl, KENF Üzletviteli Tanácsadó Cég

Pénzügyi számvitel és kontrolling szakértő

How to Cite
KatitsE., Szalka Éva, NagyF., & KönczölT. (2019). HUNGARIAN TOP COMPANIES IN TOURISM, OR FINANCIAL DIAGNOSIS FOR A SUCCESFUL SECTOR. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (2), 71-97.