What Will Happen To You, Dear Riska?

The Situation Of Raw Cow's Milk Production And Generational Change In Hungary And In The European Union

Keywords: Smallholder cow's milk production, generational change, family farm


Smallholder cow's milk production used to play an important role in Hungary. In rural areas, there was hardly a settlement that could not supply itself with fresh cow's milk. Cattle farming was based mainly on the dual-purpose Magyartarka breed.

The country's favourable geographical situation enabled families to produce the fodder needed to feed their animals and thus ensure their livelihood. Generations of farmers followed each other at the head of the farms. Farming has contributed greatly to the livelihood of the rural population and to the rural population's ability to survive.

The situation in Hungary has changed significantly in recent decades. Small-scale milk production has been replaced by large-scale production. There has been a significant concentration in the sector, and this process is expected to continue in the future

Small farms have also experienced difficulties in generational change: farming is no longer attractive to the younger generation. As they prefer less strenuous work with fewer constraints.

Milk parlours have also disappeared, making it almost impossible to get the raw material to the dairy. The remaining small farms focus mainly on meeting local demand.

In our secondary research, we use data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office (KSH), Eurostat, National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) and the Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) to examine the issue, and then to present the partial results of a complex research project: 21 interviews were carried out with managers of dairy farms that are still in operation or have recently been closed down. They were asked about the situation of dairy farming and generational transition.

We examine the situation of smallholder cow's milk production and the process of generational transition on dairy farms.

Author Biographies

Judit Bernadett Vágány, Budapest Business University, Faculty of Commerce, Hospitality and Tourism, Department of Economics and Business Studies

College Professor

Szilvia Erdeiné Késmárki-Gally, Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem

College Professor


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How to Cite
VágányJ. B., & Erdeiné Késmárki-GallyS. (2024). What Will Happen To You, Dear Riska? : The Situation Of Raw Cow’s Milk Production And Generational Change In Hungary And In The European Union. Multidisciplinary Challenges, Diverse Responses - Journal of Management and Business Administration, (2), 133-155. https://doi.org/10.33565/MKSV.2024.02.06