About the Journal

Our aims and scope

Our motto is A Journal can be successful if it brings joy both to Authors and Readers’.

The source of Authors’ joy is increasing visibility of scientific work and broadening of publication activity, as a result of which they have the opportunity to expand both professional and scientific relations.

The source of Readers’ joy is to have the opportunity to follow multifaceted activities of researchers, thus gaining insight into exciting new scientific achievements.

In support of the abovementioned Our Editorial Board puts ever increasing emphasis on international presence.

The professional and scientific standard of the journal is guaranteed by our Scientific Advisory Board.

We would like to receive to our journal for publication studies in the field of management and business administration which can be built on empiric research, systematic processing of bibliography, introduction of methodological development or a certain new or novel, critical approach.

We expect publications from the following preferred scientific disciplines:

  • Agricultural economy
  • Economic policy
  • Economic law
  • Commerce and trade
  • Logistics
  • Management
  • Labour market
  • International management
  • Finance
  • Political science (Politology)
  • Regional economy
  • Tourism

The solid methodologic basis is a minimum requirement in case of any studies.

From the Issue 1 of Vol. 2021 the journal will comprise columns (sections) as follows:

  • Original paper (For studies comprising results of scientific research – empiric and/or theoretic - and which has not been published elsewhere).
  • Workshop/Good practice (For articles/case studies suggesting creative and innovative solutions).
  • Review (A professional summary, conclusion or follow-up ideas in a specific filed).
  • Book review (recension) (Review and introduction of Hungarian and foreign books, books of studies in the field of economic and social sciences for which wide-scale interest can be expected from the professional and academic society).

In our online journal articles are published in Hungarian or English language.

Peer Review Process

Articles/studies being published in our journal will undergo double blind peer review.

Our publication is an Open Access journal. 

Creative Commons

This license lets others distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.

We publish two issues annually.

Actually the journal is indexed by:



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We wish you beneficial and pleasant reading.

The Editors



Budapest Business University

H-1055, Hungary, Budapest, Markó utca 29-31.  
