For reviewers

The journal Multidisciplinary Challenges - Diverse Responses (MKSV) publishes peer-reviewed papers in four categories: Study, Workshop, Review and Book recension.

The articles being published by us – irrespectively from its abovementioned category will undergo double blind peer review. The criteria of the reviews extend to the following issues:

  • in what extent the paper suits to the fields of disciplines that are in the portfolio of the journal (Agricultural economy, Economic policy, Economic law, Commerce, Logistics, Management, Marketing, Labour market, International economics, Finance, Political science, Regional economics, Tourism);
  • whether the paper complies with the scientific and substantial requirements stipulated by the journal;
  • The same about the formal requirements.

In case of the paper complies with the above three criteria, the Editors will decide to send the paper for the review procedure.

Reviewers of MKSV are principally experts in the fields of economic, social and management sciences. The Editorial staff continuously strives for broadening its network of reviewers in order to provide to all submitted papers the possibly most competent reviewer.

The list of members of the reviewers’ network will be published in the heading pages of MKSV issues under a sub-menu ”Information”.

If you are not listed in our register of reviewers, but you would like to contribute to our work in  reviewing submitted manuscripts to us, you are most welcome to contact us under the following email address:

Only registered reviewers can have access to our standard reviewing forms.

You are kindly requested to read the Code of Ethics of Multidisciplinary Challenges - Diverse Responses, which can be accessed at the following website:

Editor in Chief / Editorial Board