Code of Ethics

The basic principle for the authors and reviewers of studies being published in Multidisciplinary Challenges - Diverse Responses (MKSV) moreover for the editorial staff[1] and any other contributors is the obedience of the professional and ethical guidelines stipulated by the editorial committee.[2]



1. Guidelines for publishing

The Editorial Committee of the journal makes decision about the papers which will be published from among the submitted ones. The major principles the decisions are based on: (1) Compliance to the substantial and formal requirements of our journal, (2) The obedience of the regulation on non-defamation, (3) Obedience of IP (intellectual property) rights and copyrights (4) Obedience of legal regulation on plagiarism. To avoid the latter, the editorial staff may use anti-plagiarism softwares.

In case of disobedience of any of the abovementioned criteria the editorial staff can desist from publishing the respective paper.

2. Equality of opportunities

All members of the editorial staff will evaluate the submitted papers with no regard to the authors’ gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship or political views.

3. Confidentiality

The members of the editorial staff will not give information about manuscripts to non-competent third persons.

4. Publication and incompatibility

The members of the editorial staff will not use the unpublished materials of the submitted manuscripts to their own research without the written consent of the authors.

5. Publishing in the journal

Any member of the editorial staff has the right to publish his/her own research results in journal MKSV. In such a case, the ”GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS” will be applied to the mentioned member of the editorial staff.



1. Supporting the editorial decisions

The reviewers assist the members of the editorial staff in their decision-making about the publication of the manuscript, moreover they assist the authors – if necessary – to improve the scientific standard of their articles.

2. Efficiency

The selected reviewer should notify the editorial staff and cancel his/her participation in the reviewing process if he/she was not in position to prepare the evaluation (review) about the manuscript submitted for publication (due to inability to keep the deadlines or due to professional incompetence). The reviewer will receive exact information about the deadlines by the OJS system.

3. Confidentiality

The submitted manuscripts and the ready evaluations/lector’s reviews have to be treated with confidentiality. All manuscripts can be published or discussed with others only with the permission of the Editorial.

4. Objectivity

The evaluation of the manuscripts has to be done with objective approach. The reviewers’ (lectors’) opinions have to be specified clearly and substantiated with arguments. Criticism against the authors as individuals is inappropriate.

5. References of the sources

All previously published statements containing results, observations, lines of reasoning, arguments have to be appropriately referenced and the sources should be indicated in the list of bibliographic references. The reviewers (lectors) have to recognize and draw the attention of the editorial staff if they found significant similarities or overlaps between the manuscript and other, previously published studies.

6. Publication and incompatibility

Information gained during the evaluation of the manuscript have to be treated with confidentiality and cannot be used for serving personal career development. Any benefit, preference provided by the reviewer to the author in the publishing process or hindering the publication of the manuscript by personal reasons will be considered as ethical misdemeanour.



1. Guidelines for publishing

Interpretations and drawing conclusions can only be based on facts or unbiased and logical proof. The background data of the studies have to be presented accurately. Unbiased (impartial) approach has to be shown when presenting others’ work and in adding the references.

2. Originality and plagiarism

In the study to be published the author has to add the references to the processed bibliography and also the description of the methods applied during the research with their appropriate bibliographic references as well. The authors have to guarantee that they did not indicate others’ ideas, scientific results, thoughts as their own ones.

3. Multiple, parallel or simultaneous publishing

Submission of the same manuscript to more journals simultaneously is considered ethical misconduct, therefore it is unacceptable. An exceptional case can be, whether the original article was published in a foreign language. In such cases – with respect to the copyrights – publishing a Hungarian version can be desirable with the view of providing access to the research results for a wider domestic professional society and the improvement of the domestic scientific-professional language.

4. References of the sources

The authors need to make reference accurately to all those works which had impact on their research. It is an ethical misdemeanour of the author if he/she ascribes others’ ideas, methods or data by using defective or insufficient referencing.

5. The status of authorship

All those persons should be nominated as authors who substantially contributed to the conception, planning, implementation or interpretation of the presented study.

(1) Those persons should be nominated as co-authors who contributed to the study in significant extent. The corresponding author has to guarantee that non-eligible persons were not nominated as co-authors, moreover all co-authors have endorsed and approved the final version of the study and agreed in publishing it.

(2) Those persons should be mentioned as contributors who gave professional or financial support to the publication.

6. Publication and incompatibility

The research itself and its objectivity, conclusions and publishing cannot be influences by personal interests or partiality.

The author is supposed to specify in his/her manuscript all financial or other kinds of incompatibilities which may influence its results or interpretation.

7. Fundamental errors in published articles

If the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in his/her published work, the editorial staff has to be notified without delay. The editorial staff – in co-operation with the author – will take care of the correction or the withdrawal of the published study.


[1] The Editorial or editorial staff comprises the Editor in Chief and the members of the Editorial Committee and of the Scientific Advisory Board.

[2] Our Code of Ethics is in harmony with the suggested points of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and with the principles stipulated in the Code of Ethics of Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.