Fluids, f low systems and their mineralogical imprints in the Buda Thermal Karst

  • Judit Mádlné Szőnyi Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Eötvös University, e-mail: szjudit@ludens.elte.hu http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5628-4386
  • Anita Erős Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Eötvös University
  • Tímea Havril Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Eötvös University
  • Zsófia Poros ConocoPhillips
  • Orsolya Győri MTA-ELTE Geological, Geophysical and Space Sciences Research Group Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Eötvös University
  • Ádám Tóth Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Eötvös University http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7300-6687
  • Anita Csoma MOL Nyrt.
  • Paola Ronchi Eni Spa
  • Andrea Mindszenty Department of Physical and Applied Geology, Eötvös University http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8927-3053
Keywords: fluid evolution, topography driven groundwater flow systems, bouyancy force, sulphur isotope, Buda Thermal Karst, Gödöllő Hills


The fluid evolution of the Buda Thermal Karst (BTK) has been ongoing since the Late Miocene when the system was fully confined and only the thermal buoyancy influenced the flow of fluids in the system. Parallel with the uplift of the Buda Hills, the infiltration of fresh water has started into the system and the subsequent evolution of the topography-driven groundwater flow could cause the superposition of the two fluid flow systems with different prevailing driving forces, namely the topography in the upper and buoyancy in the lower parts. The uplift of the Gödöllő Hills had also influence on the processes of BTK and resulted in the evolution of fluid flow heading from the eastern, confined part of the system toward the River Danube. Consequently, the dominantly basinal fluids of the confining strata infiltrated into the underlying carbonate aquifers filled with meteoric water via vertical leakage. These changes were followed in the mineral paragenesis of BTK. The western region of the BTK is part of the NE Transdanubian Range and the carbonate aquifers are semi- or unconfined nowadays. The springs of this area represent the terminal points of local, intermediate and regional flow systems and they display the rock-water interaction along the flow path. The evaluation of flow pattern could reveal the West–East direction of flow under the River Danube and the upwelling of fluids toward the discharge areas along the River Danube in the upper shallow part of the system. The NaCl-type basinal fluids originated from the eastern confining layers and they contribute to the regional flow component. West–Southwest of the River Danube, Mg2+ and SO42- rich water can be found. The results represent the hydraulically continuous flow sytem of the BTK, the asymmetric flow pattern at the boundary of unconfined and confined carbonate aquifers, moreover, the significance of confining layers in the accumulation and dissipation of heat. Nearly hydrostatic pressure conditions are present in the system. The NE Marginal Fault can contribute to the differentiation of the discharge areas at the foothills of Rózsadomb and Gellért Hill. In the area behind of the Gellért Hill an intermediate flow system appears, therefore at the foothills of Gellért Hill only thermal water discharge. The lukewarm and hydrothermal fluid discharge areas are close to each other at the Rózsadomb. It could be revealed that the hydrothermal component of the Central and Southern systems differs. The NaCl-type water of the eastern half basin contributes to the discharge of regional flow path of the Central system transferring H2S and CH4 to the springs. At the Southern System, the excess of sulphate in water is more prevalent, which can be connected to the evaporite layers in the SW. On the basis of sulphur isotope analysis, the meteoric fluid component of the Rózsadomb receives its sulphur during infiltration through pyrite rich covering strata. The better understanding of the fluid evolution of the BTK can contribute to the interpretation of hypogenic karstification and cave evolution in the area.


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How to Cite
Mádlné SzőnyiJ., ErősA., HavrilT., PorosZ., GyőriO., Tóth Ádám, CsomaA., RonchiP., & MindszentyA. (2018). Fluids, f low systems and their mineralogical imprints in the Buda Thermal Karst. Földtani Közlöny, 148(1), 75-96. https://doi.org/10.23928/foldt.kozl.2018.148.1.75