Facilities for, and deficiencies of the registry of Hungarian coal resources

  • Zoltán Püspöki Magyar Földtani és Geofizikai Intézet, e-mail:puspoki.zoltan@mfgi.hu
  • Mária Hámorné Vidó Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute
  • Katalin Sári Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute, e-mail: sari.katalin@mfgi.hu
  • Rita Szeiler Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute
  • Tamás Fancsik Hungarian Geological and Geophysical Institute
Keywords: coal, mineral resource inventory, geoinformatics


This paper presents details about the development of the domestic registry of coal resources, as performed in recent years. The contents of the paper are the product of co-operation between the Hungarian Office for Mining and Geology and the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary. The most important results are (1) a thematic map series of the Hungarian coal basins containing 19 parameter maps of a scale suitable for reviewing (2) GIS representation on the volume calculation blocks of selected explored sites; these sites are regarded as suitable for a proclaiming tender.
According to comparisons with international classification systems, the Hungarian registry of coal resources is in line with the generally accepted geological (UNFC G axis) and feasibility (UNFC F axis) indicators. However, due to the lack of per-unit costs the economic efficiency (UNFC E axis) cannot be determined with certainty. This is a considerable deficiency from the aspect of strategic (e.g. regional development) decisions related to domestic coal resources in Hungary.
In order to determine rentability, up-to-date mining plans presenting investment and operating costs — together with information on the coal market — are indispensable. The staff of the Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary intends to contribute to the filling of the gaps in both fields. With respect to up-to-date mining plans, model plans and associated studies can be carried out. In the case of market conditions, geochemical parameters require investigation; these are essential for the interpretation of aspects of the types of coal in Hungary from a chemical industrial (gasification) point of view.

How to Cite
PüspökiZ., Hámorné VidóM., SáriK., SzeilerR., & FancsikT. (2016). Facilities for, and deficiencies of the registry of Hungarian coal resources. Földtani Közlöny, 146(2), 155-162. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/foldtanikozlony/article/view/89