What do amateur mineral and fossil collectors do for Earth Sciences in Hungary?
In connection with Earth Sciences, amateur mineral and fossil collecting in Hungary has a long tradition. Amateur, collectors have not only enriched our knowledge about the geology of Hungary but, without their enthusiasm, the collections of museums and natural history departments would also be more modest. In this paper, after a concise presentation of the concomitant legal background to this hobby, a short summary of the collectors’ activities is given. This is based on interviews made with a number of amateur collectors. The existence of restrictive points in current legislation — related to environmental protection, forestry, etc. — and the importance of a constructive and ongoing relationship between the collectors and the professionals are pointed out. Furthermore, the relevance of a precise system of identification of sampled quarries, the necessity of keeping and updating a register of observations and findings, and the significance of the publication of results are emphasized. It is a significant point that half of the internationally registered but, in Hungary, earlier undetected mineral species were recognised and collected by amateurs. Not only is this impressive but also the fact that five of seven new mineral species (according to the IMA register) were discovered in Hungary by such enthusiasts. This article asserts that the majority of amateurs play a very positive role in the development of Earth Sciences in Hungary. However, mention also is made of the dubious activities of other so-called “amateur gatherers” who build their collections using unfair practices and acting against the rules laid down in official regulations. Obviously, the attitude of such individuals is not supported in this paper and their methods are treated negatively and discouraged.