Two monographs published in 1859 on mineral waters of the Carpathian Basin

  • Irma Dobos


Two of the outstanding Hungarian mineral water researchers of the 19th century — the physicians József TÖRÖK and
Dávid WACHTEL — carried out their most important scientific activities separately but almost simultaneously. The
Hungarian Academy of Sciences invited entries for a competition and, by this means, it established the progress of the
Hungarian professional terminology and the science of balneotherapy in an exemplary way. József TÖRÖK was already a
member of the Academy at the time he won the competition, and his book was published in the same year of the
competition, 1848. He was acknowledged by contemporary scientists not only as a physician but as a professor and
researcher as well. The revised edition of his book was published in 1859.
Dávid WACHTEL excelled as a talented organizer and writer. He founded and edited several medical periodicals; these
served as unifying elements for the national medical community and aimed at providing reviews of scientific results by
publishing the papers of respected professionals. Additionally, he wrote a monograph in the German language on the
mineral waters of Hungary. This was published in 1859 and made the richness of the natural resources of Hungary better
known in German-speaking countries.

How to Cite
DobosI. (2020). Two monographs published in 1859 on mineral waters of the Carpathian Basin. Földtani Közlöny, 140(3), 321-326. Retrieved from