About the origin of microelement-content in karst thermal water systems

  • Lajos Marton


When the view of plate tectonics, which gave the geology the status of a modern natural science, became general it affected the terrestrial hydrogeology as well and also caused the change of view in the Hungarian hydrogeological
literature. This new view is represented by the book (DOBOS et al. 2012). The writers state that the microelements in the Transdanubian karst waters “are in genetic connection with the deeper part of the plates and the fluids upwelling from
this direction can play a role in the composition of the karst thermal waters and in forming their temperature conditions”. The topic of this paper is the critical analysis of the above statement.

How to Cite
MartonL. (2020). About the origin of microelement-content in karst thermal water systems. Földtani Közlöny, 143(3), 289-294. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/foldtanikozlony/article/view/2287