Pannonian (Upper Miocene) beds and mollusc fauna of the former brickyard in Pesterzsébet, Budapest

  • Kálmán Tóth


The author studied the onetime brickyard pit succession in Budapest, Pesterzsébet in 1966–67, before the closure of the pit. Three horizons of the Upper Pannonian were exposed and a rich mollusc fauna could be observed: the lower part
was dominated by Limnocardiums, the middle part by Viviparus sadleri PARTSCH and Unio species, whereas in the upper part Congeria triangularis PARTSCH and Dreissena auricularis FUCHS — accompanied by Limnocardiums — were
predominant. Zone marker species suggest that the succession belongs to the littoral Limnocardium decorum Zone. The fauna in the middle horizon indicates the proximity of fluvial facies. Embedded silt clasts and the fossil fauna may have
been transported into the sedimentary basin as a result of river incision.
