Methods of ImaGeo Corescanning and a case study of a high resolution borehole evaluation from the Mecsek mountains

  • Gyula Maros Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Enikő Szabadosné Sallay Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Szilvia Ádámné Incze Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • István Gábor Hatvani Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutató Központ Földtani és Geokémiai Intézet
  • Klára Palotás Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • József Kovács ELTE TTK Általános és Alkalmazott Földtani Tanszék
  • Ákos Gyenis Digital Foto Labor Kft.
  • Gyula Gróf Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Energetikai Gépek és Rendszerek Tanszék
  • Szilárd Pásztor ELTE TTK Geofizikai és Űrtudományi Tanszék
  • László Andrássy MÁELGI nyugdíjas munkatársa
  • József Mara Oplab Kft.
  • Levente Vihar Geo-Log Kft.
  • Gábor Szongoth Geo-Log Kft.
Keywords: Core scanning, LIPS, borehole, cores, sandstone, cyclicity, cross lamination, Hungary, Mecsek Mountains


The self developed ImaGeo system allows the construction of 3D geotectonic models through the collection of high resolution digital geological data in the field, in drillings and mines. The images and data can be obtained both in normal and UV light. The data can be oriented using geophysical borehole logging (acoustic Borehole televiewer BHTV, or microresistivity measurer Formation Microimager, FMI) to their original position, thus making detailed geological evaluations possible in real space. The system consists of the Corescanner, the Photorobot and the Laser Induced Plasm Spectrometer.
This paper describes a case study on the core scanning result of the Mesozoic succession in borehole Ibafa, Ib–4, with special emphasis on the Jakabhegy Sandstone Formation, besides introducing the methods used in the ImaGeo system. The examination of the Jakabhegy Formation was carried out after back-rotating the data in order to remove the structural tilt of 45/13° (dip direction/dip angle) to its original position. The succession of the Jakabhegy Formation could be divided into five elaborately analyzed sections in terms of grain size, lamination thickness, dip direction and dip angle data deriving from the corescanning. The sections do not correlate with the sections determined by the geological documentation. The back-rotated dip direction data show SSE, S and SW orientation with certain sections dipping also to the W or E. These are interpreted as the major transport directions. The transport directions show wide variety throughout the whole formation. The cycle analysis of the lamination thickness, dip direction and dip angle data was carried out by visually observing patterns, and also by periodicity analysis, We managed to define multiscale cyclicity patterns. Decimetres, 1, 3 and 8 metres cycles could be defined by the distribution of dip direction data, while dip angles indicate 0.5 metre cyclicity with both methods. The periodicity analysis defined 1.3 and roughly 4.5 metres parallel cycles in the dip directions and dip angles. The visual analysis determined a cycle as long as about 50 metres, which could not been verified by the periodicity analysis.


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