Editorial preface

  • Orsolya Sztanó Editor-in-chief


It has not been a year since Frank Horváth left his beloved Pannonian Basin, and a series of questions for us to answer. He was an earth scientist, a bit of a philosopher, a sparkling mind that connected disciplines. He was an outstanding scholar in the research of this wider region, pioneering, and initiating plate tectonics and geodynamic research, but he also was receptive and curious to anything new, from deep mantle to basin fill, from practical industrial research problems to theories of climate- and water-level changes or structures of the youngest sediments. His door was always open, as he was ready to discuss vividly new observations and models from a wide range of earth sciences both with colleagues and students. He was able to bring extremely complex phenomena close to his audience with his metaphorical explanations and witty similes. Consulting him always resulted in fruitful new ideas. As such, he founded a new way of thinking among followers. Such geo-polymath probably will rarely appear in the future as science is entering the era of specialisation. Besides his excellent works, his friendly nature, shining personality and sense of humor promoted organising an extensive international scientific network. Thus he could help students and colleagues to reputable international schools and collaborations. Many of us benefitted from his selfless help.(...)
