Significance of the reflection seismic methods in the non-hydrocarbon explorations in Hungary — Case studies from the the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary and its predecessors

  • Ágnes Cserkész-Nagy Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Márton Bauer Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Ernő Takács Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Róbert Csabafi Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Tibor Gúthy Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Éva Kóborné-Bujdosó Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • István Török Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Mariann Redlerné Tátrai Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Gergely Szőts Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Attila Csaba Kovács Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Endre Hegedűs Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Keywords: high-resolution reflection seismics, tectonic investigation, geothermal, coal exploration, geological uncertainty


Applied seismic research at the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary follows the tradition of the Eötvös Loránd Geophysical Institute in conformity with the recent demands. Utilizing the joint interpretation of archive geoscience data and modern seismic results, the risk of geological investigations can be efficiently reduced and the obtained geological model contributes to the success of innovation projects connected with the geological environment. The highest uncertainty in those projects (e.g. exploitation of natural resources, waste deposition, or construction geology) is the delimitation of the geological formations and characterization of their petrophysical properties and inhomogeneities. If only point-like borehole data was used for mapping, the above tasks would be performed only with a high level of uncertainty.

In this paper, three case studies are presented from Hungary. The results demonstrate the benefits of the seismic investigations in decreasing the geological uncertainty at a significantly lower cost compared to the total cost of the entire project.              

The requirement for establishing the proposed high-activity radioactive waste depository in the Western Mecsek Mountains is that the target geological formation, the Boda Claystone Formation (BCF), must correspond with strictly specified parameters (e.g. extent, thickness, and spatial position). Based on the new seismic results, the range of BCF can be extended to the west, the structural lineaments articulating the study area were refined, and also the significance of the intensive movements in the Miocene was verified.   

The production and injection wells of the Geothermal Project of the city of Győr were located based on a multi-step seismic survey carried out around the villages of Pér and Bőny. The key for the cost-effectiveness of the project, regarding the geological setting of the area (fractured, karstic carbonate water reservoir), was mapping of the deep and laterally narrow fault zones with a proper permeability. High-resolution 2D and 3D surveys provided detailed structural information for the determination of the optimal locations of the wells.        

The most unknown geological features of the Western Borsod Coal Province, around the village of Sajómercse, are the faults representing the highest risk from geological viewpoint. A new shallow seismic survey performed in 2019 verified the existence of the faults assigned by high-resolution well log correlations, and the kinematics of the faults was also clarified: the seismic sections basically show compressional tectonics in the study area. In addition, several earlier unknown smaller faults were detected with a comparable extension to the thickness of coal seams.


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