Multiple fluid migration events and REE+Th mineralisation during Alpine metamorphism in the Sopron micaschist from the Eastern-Alps (Sopron area, Western Hungary)
Four fluid migration events were recorded during the Alpine metamorphism in the Sopron micaschist from the Grob gneiss series of the Lower Austroalpine Unit of the Eastern Alps near Sopron, using mineral chemistry data, geothermo-barometry and fluid inclusion studies.
1. Tourmaline mineralisation in quartz veins and to some extent in the host rock. Similar mineral compositions in the quartz-tourmaline veins and in the host rock show equilibrium between fluid and the host rock. Geothermo-barometry gives 560-610oC temperature and 950-1230 MPa pressure for the formation of quartz-tourmaline veins which is the same as the determined P-T peak (T=560 and 600°C p= 840-1230 MPa).
2. Fluids causing Mg-metasomatism in the shear zones. The result of this fluid invasion was the formation of leucophyllite in the shear zones and Mg-enrichment of some minerals (chlorite, muscovite, garnet) in the close vicinity of the shear zone. The effect of this fluid was confined to the shear zones and the neighbouring host rock.
3. The rock was infiltrated along the shear zones and quartz veins with CO2-bearing hypersaline fluids during retrograde metamorphism. The presence of this fluid is evidenced by secondary CO2 inclusions and hypersaline aqueous fluid inclusions ± CO2. The aqueous fluid had high concentrations of Na, Ca, Fe, Al, Cl and contained moderate amounts of Mg, Zn, Ti, K, Mn, S and P. This fluid was the carrier of the REE and Th and locally precipitated florencite, monazite, allanite, apatite, thorite and thorianite in the shear zone. Traces of this mineralisation are found in quartz-tourmaline veins, postdating the tourmaline mineralisation.
4. Late retrograde metamorphic fluid represented by two phase (liquid+vapor) aqueous inclusions of the NaCl-CaCl2-H2O system with total salinity between 25 and 28.5% and homogenisation temperatures between 229.6 and 322oC
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