Pleistocene fluvial gravel in the Villány Hills (SW Hungary)

Keywords: Pleistocene, fluvial terrace, uplift rate, OSL, post-IR IRSL, heavy mineral


In the Villány Hills, the southernmost exposed basement block of Hungary, Cenozoic rocks have been known to be represented mostly by Late Pliocene – Quaternary terrestrial sediments, red clays and loess. Cleaning of a classic exposure, the cable-car cut on Templom Hill in the village of Villány, at the eastern termination of the Villány Hills, revealed a hitherto unknown Quaternary deposit overlying the Mesozoic basement rocks, which may add important information to the Cenozoic evolution history of the area. This paper aims at describing this deposit, identifying its sedimentary environment and concluding on the palaeogeographic conditions. 
The strongly tilted Mesozoic succession is overlain by coarse gravel with a sand interbed, then after an erosional unconformity by slope loess with gravel seams. Clast lithologies indicate that the gravel has a local origin. Its source rocks are Middle Triassic Templomhegy Dolomite, Upper Triassic Mészhegy Sandstone, Lower Jurassic Somssichhegy Limestone and Pliocene–Quaternary cavity-filling red clay and calcite, all occurring within Templom Hill and along the
northern side of the Villány Hills. The heavy mineral assemblage of the sand interbed in the gravel is similar to that of the directly underlying Mészhegy and Somssichhegy Formations. The wide range of the rounding of clasts (poor to good) also points to short transport. The age of the gravel is not older than Pleistocene based on the Early Pleistocene age of the cavity-filling red clays in the area; the sand interbed is older than 400 ka according to OSL dating results. Based on the above points, the gravel can be interpreted as a fluvial terrace, a deposit of a watercourse flowing in the area during the Early and/or Middle Pleistocene. This watercourse was probably the ancestor of the modern Villány-Pogány Stream, flowing along and eroding the northern margin of the Villány Hills. Due to the slow uplift of the basement, the stream incised, the gravel got exposed and eroded. A gentle-sloped small valley incised into it and became filled up during the Riss glaciation (MIS 6) with loess and sandy-gravelly sheet wash deposits. The uplift rate of the area in the younger Quaternary did not exceed ~0,05 mm/year.


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How to Cite
SzujóG. L., SebeK., SiposG., & PozsgaiE. (2017). Pleistocene fluvial gravel in the Villány Hills (SW Hungary). Földtani Közlöny, 147(1), 85-98.