Petrographic investigation of the Triassic volcanogenic formations of the Eastern Bakony and interpretation of their genesis

  • Éva Farics ELTE Department of Physical and Applied Geology, e-mail:
  • Sándor Józsa ELTE Department of Petrology and Geochemistry
Keywords: Eastern Bakony, volcanogenic sandstone, petrography, ladin volcanism, Southern Alps, palaeogeography


A Middle and Late Triassic (Ladinian – Lower Carnian) volcanogenic clastic succession can be found in the Eastern Bakony, in the Transdanubian Range of Hungary. The aim of this study is to present and evaluate the petrographic characteristics of the rocks of this succession and compare them to some coeval volcanic formations of the Transdanubian and Southern Alps. The rocks can be investigated in the surface outcrops of the Hideg Valley of Inota as well as in the boreholes of Bakonykúti Bút–2 and Várpalota Vpt–3. The volcanogenic succession can be subdivided into two main parts with reference to the the boreholes. Its lower, fine-grained part contains predominantly volcanic rocks, numerous carbonized plant remnants, and a few crinoidea fragments. Its upper, coarse-grained part contains a lot of volcanic and limestone pebbles and Daonella fragments. The following rock types have been identified by macroscopic, polarization and electron microscopic investigations: a large amount of intermediate volcanic rocks (andesite), mafic volcanic rocks (scoria basalt, basalt and microdolerite), a smaller amount of silicic volcanic rocks (rhyolite / rhyolite tuff, aplite), and some related crystal fragments.
The source area probably consisted of some kind of Middle and Late Triassic volcanic rocks (mafic-intermediate lava rocks and depositions from a phreatomagmatic explosion); today, the related representatives of the latter are located in the Transdanubian Range (the closest location is the area of Balatonfő) and in the Southern Alps (especially the Dolomites). At this time the Southern Alps were located close to the area of the Transdanubian Range Unit and the volcanic event was the most intensive and extensive to occur there. The upper part of the volcanogenic conglomerate/pebbly sandstone was formed in a similar way to the Wengen and Marmolada Formation in the Southern Alps. The volcanic material originated from nearby terrestric sources and these consist of mostly intermediate and mafic rocks. It was transported under sea by mass movements and was deposited in the surrounding basin of platforms. The formation of the lower part of the succession was different from the above. The first step was a phreatomagmatic explosion which resulted in a mafic-intermediate deposit in a shallow marine / terrestrial environment. Immediately after this event the volcanic material was re-deposited in a basin by mass movements.


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Farics & Józsa: vizsgált fúrások
How to Cite
Farics Éva, & JózsaS. (2017). Petrographic investigation of the Triassic volcanogenic formations of the Eastern Bakony and interpretation of their genesis. Földtani Közlöny, 147(1), 25-38.