Egészségügyi Hatásvizsgálat és Egészséges Közpolitika: Narratív áttekintés a meghatározásokról és megközelítésekről
BACKGROUND: Despite advancements in various fields due to globalization and technology, societal health and quality of life have not proportionally improved. Health inequalities, and unjust disparities in health within and between communities, have garnered attention as preventable challenges. The influence of non-health-related policies and decisions on public health has been overlooked for an extended period. The concept of Health Impact Assessment (HIA) has emerged to address this issue. HIA aims to inform decision-making processes, promote health, and reduce health disparities. Healthy Public Policy (HPP), which integrates health and equality considerations across policy sectors, further contributes to improved overall health outcomes. This study investigates the interplay between HIA and HPP. The focus is on elucidating the evolving dynamics between these two concepts and scrutinizing the increasing efficacy of the popular HIA.
METHODS: Peer-reviewed, English-language articles reporting on health impact assessment that were published between 1990 and 2021 were looked for on PubMed, Science Direct, and JSTOR. Health impact assessment with either public policy or health promotion was used for the search. To find further studies, reference lists of papers were examined. A subset of studies was chosen for analysis.
RESULTS: Studies support that the interplay between HIA and HPP is a potent force that shapes the landscape of public health. Their collaboration amplifies the impact of each and transforms policies into vehicles of positive change. Recommendations include aiming for healthier communities, reducing health inequalities, and a sustainable future by synergistically evaluating health impacts and creating policies that prioritize well-being. However, concerns have been raised about the potential for HIA to expand into non-health areas, leading to discussions about renaming it to a more inclusive term such as "general policy assessment", although no concrete steps have been taken. It has been mentioned that the complexity of HIA can lead to difficulties in certain contexts and makes it difficult for it to become widespread and that it needs to be improved. Making it simpler, more flexible, and applicable to different conditions is among the suggestions.
CONCLUSION: HIA emerges as an indispensable and potent tool for cultivating HPP. Its application should extend to diverse domains, necessitating the identification and resolution of obstacles that may impede its effectiveness.
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