Application possibilities of search dogs in the disaster management

Keywords: rescue dogs, disaster management


The purpose of this article is to present the countless possibilities inherent in the dog-human relationship, which can even be used during disaster prevention tasks. Anyone who is even a little experienced in working together with dogs will surely have countless questions about why dogs do or don't do things. Many years of experience and research can only answer the questions. And for those who are completely unfamiliar with the topic.

I hope it may seem interesting:

How do dogs learn? Why does a dog help a person voluntarily? What are the instincts that control dogs? What types, what tasks are they most suitable for? What are the possibilities of combining the most ancient senses with modern technology?

Our society is in the XXI. It's the 20th century, and we already communicate with artificial intelligence, yet we can't present a technology that approaches the capabilities of a dog when it comes to finding a person trapped under ruins or identifying them based on smell.

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How to Cite
BudaiT. (2024). Application possibilities of search dogs in the disaster management. Defence Science, 9(3), 1-17.