The consequences of extreme weather in the work of fire-fighters

Keywords: extreme weather, fire brigade, disaster management, developement


As a consequence of global climate change, our country’s climate has been changing gradually and its negative impacts can be felt in almost all seasons. Surveys and research show rising tendency in material damages caused by extreme weather conditions often putting human lives at risk. To eliminate the growing damage, it is necessary that the fire brigade always performs its tasks in the most precise and efficient way with the required and appropriate machinery and equipment. With the development of urbanization and technology and the growing damages caused by extreme weather conditions, there is a need to address the topic and education of technical rescue along with the examination and improvement of intervention. It should be a priority to ensure that the population receives immediate and professionally impeccable help from the fire brigade, as we are an organization which is still one of the highly respected professions today. I consider it important that the disaster management improves its technical equipment, educational and informative materials in line with the requirements of the challenges of our times.


Magyarország alaptörvénye 53.cikk

Katasztrófavédelmi törvény

A 39/2011.(XI.15.) BM rendelet

A 6/2016 (VI.24.) BM OKF utasítás

KAP lezárt TMMJ adatlapok

Bérczi László. Az extrém körülmények közötti tűzoltói beavatkozások biztonságát növelő eszközrendszer fejlesztések az integrált katasztrófavédelem rendszerében Letöltés ideje: 2021.08.17. Letöltés ideje: 2021.07.17.8. Letöltés ideje: 2021.07.27. Letöltés ideje: 2021.08.03.

How to Cite
ErdélyiP. G. (2023). The consequences of extreme weather in the work of fire-fighters. Defence Science, 7(2), 1-25. Retrieved from