Examination of the circumstances and the properties of the fire hazards

Keywords: transformer, oil, electricity, fire hazard, examination


Transformer stations cooled with inhibited insulating oil are highly flammable and explosive, well illustrated by the cases that have been processed in this writing. When an electric fire occurs, various gases and substances are released, which can be dangerous both to humans and the environment. It is therefore appropriate to investigate the fire-protection systems and the gases released during the fire, as well as the seriously harmful chemical compounds that can be generated there. However, preventing these events will not only be significant because of the environmental impact of small processes due to the high heat release, but also because the electrical equipment put in place by the authors at the focus of their investigation is a vital element in the security of supply of technologies and residential consumers through the electricity networks of the affected areas.


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How to Cite
SándorB., & NagyR. (2023). Examination of the circumstances and the properties of the fire hazards. Defence Science, 3(4), 73-91. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13292