Rainbow in the dewdrop, or the Szovárd question and the historical onomastics

  • Rudolf Szentgyörgyi ELTE Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Keywords: methodology of etimological research, Hungarian prehistory, Szovárd, Loránd Benkő, historical onomastics


Rainbow in the dewdrop, or the Szovárd question and the historical onomastics

Loránd Benkő’s book entitled “The Szovárd question. Chapters from the history of an Old Hungarian clan” includes the results of research into historical onomastics; furthermore, it can also be considered as a methodological manual, in which apart from the description of an actual research the reader can observe the author’s scholarly working practices. This volume convinces us that historical onomastic researches should exceed the practice of collecting and categorising data, casts light upon the fact that such researches are inevitably interdisciplinary, presents the proper interpretation of professional respect, displays thematic discipline, and, finally, reveals how the learned empathy can be involved into one’s research methodology.

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