On the terminology of geographical names standardization

  • Andrea Bölcskei Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem
Keywords: onomastic terminology, Hungarian onomastic terms, terminology of toponomastics, standardisation of geographical names, glossary of terms, UN, UNGEGN, Termini, international onomastics


On the terminology of geographical names standardization  


The first part of the paper presents (i) geographical names standardization as a sub-field of language standardization, (ii) the importance of geographical names standardization as explained in UNGEGN documents, and (iii) the similarities between geographical names standardization and the general practice of standardization. In the second part, the author describes the editing principles as well as the structure of the terminological glossary (Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names) and its supplement (Addendum for Glossary of Terms for the Standardization of Geographical Names) published by UNGEGN in 2002 and 2007, respectively. The author points out the need for a similar up-to-date standardization glossary in Hungarian, which may be integrated into a dictionary (or data base) of Hungarian onomastic terms to be compiled in the future.

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