Konferencia a családnév-változtatások témaköréből

  • Tamás Farkas ELTE Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem
Kulcsszavak: interdiszciplinaritás, névtani konferencia, családnevek, névváltoztatás, névmagyarosítás, beszámoló


Budapest conference on family name changes

Between the 22nd and 24th of November in 2007 a conference was held in Budapest under the title of “Name changes – society – history: Family name changes from different points of view”. The conference was organised jointly by the Society of Hungarian Linguistics and the interdisciplinary research team working in conjunction with the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies of ELTE University. The research team was established in 2004 to carry out a multi-dimensional, systematic survey of the problems of official Hungarian family name changes. In the conference, 27 papers were presented, and among the presenters historians, linguists and name researchers, minority researchers, scholars of literature, ethnographers, lawyers and experts in administration were equally represented. Papers presented in the conference will be published later in an independent volume of studies. Further information about the topic and about the research is available on the website http://nevvaltoztatas.elte.hu.

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