Turning a PhD Seminar into a Research Group: Descriptive Models for Group Research and Publication
Through the example of a doctoral seminar, this study presents the experiences, opportunities and research methodological factors that can efficiently contribute to the success of group research and the publication of the ensuing results. The paper builds upon a course taught at the Translation studies PhD pro gramme at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest as a case in point to be able to propose descriptive models of the processes of group research and group publica tion (research article writing). These descriptive process models belong to analogue models and represent in a flowchart the participants, the components, their distri bution over time and their relation to each other during the two processes. Al though these models are based on a PhD seminar in translation studies, they are not only applicable to translation studies and to PhD seminars, but more widely, too, to research and publication in other disciplines and contexts, conducted in smaller or larger groups as well. Besides the modelling attempt, the paper also highlights the difficulties and preconditions of group work, as well as the per sonal qualities that group members and leaders need in order to work together effectively and successfully. The paper concludes by a summary of the quality standards that typically pose challenges in designing empirical research, which can be effectively ensured by properly guided and conducted teamwork, not only in the actual research itself, but also in the publication of its results.