Prosthodontic treatment of epileptic patient using BioHpp dental material

  • Fanni Németh Semmelweis Egyetem Fogpótlástani Klinika, Budapest
  • Péter Hermann Semmelweis Egyetem Fogpótlástani Klinika, Budapest
Keywords: epilepsy, BioHpp, GM seizures


A 65 years old patient with medical history of various therapy-resistent types of epileptic seizures, such as grand mal (GM)
seizure with loss of consciousness, absence, myoclonic seizure, and complex partial seizure. The seizures resulted in
numerous injuries all over his body, including but not limited to broken clavicula, broken orbital base, and dislocation of
his shoulder. Due to the fractures of acrylic-made artificial teeth and artificial gingiva of the removable upper partial denture
with metal base plate, the standard dental prosthesis was considered impractical for this patient. Instead, the BioHpp
dental material, which is more robust and elastic than the customary materials used in removable partial dentures
(CoCr, acrylic), was sourced. The epileptic patient has been using his BioHpp removable partial denture for a period of
one and a half year, without any complaint. This case study may be used to support point to a novel clinical application
of BioHpp in treating epileptic patients with removable partial dentures.

How to Cite
NémethF., & HermannP. (2021). Prosthodontic treatment of epileptic patient using BioHpp dental material. Hungarian Journal of Dentistry, 114(4), 186-190.
Case report