Comparison of CT scanned Lindner tested timber samples and cone calorimeter measurements
When designing wood materials for fire resistance, the charring rate is a critical parameter. However, the values defined in the relevant standards are not always determined in favour of safety. Determining the actual charring rate for a specific material using standard approved methods (e.g., cone calorimeter, large-scale tests) is costly, so we sought an alternative using small-scale testing. The Lindner method may be suitable for determining the charring rate, but it needs to be compared with standardized testing (e.g., cone calorimeter) to establish correlations between the results of the two methods. We examined the relationship between the charring tests performed with the cone calorimeter and the Lindner method on solid wood samples and plywood. Based on our investigations, the results of these tests show a strong correlation. In earlier research, we established that computed tomography (CT) imaging is suitable for spatial analysis of burned solid wood samples. In this study, we analysed the applicability of CT imaging for burned plywood samples using scans of burned plywood specimens. We found that the segmentation algorithm used for solid wood is not suitable for examining plywood without additional shape filters due to the intersection of gaps formed in the internal layers during production with the burned volume.
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