Tasks related to the transformation of the hungarian vocational training system in disaster management education, from the change of regime to present days

Keywords: fire fighting, Hungarian system, history, vocational training, disaster management, civil protection, legal background, transformation of the education


After the change of regime, significant changes have occurred in system of fire and civil protection, as the two organizations were integrated under joint national and county management. Within two years, the system of fire brigades changed, the range of qualifications expanded, and this change complicated the system of training. This article provides an outline overview of the tasks related to the transformation of the Hungarian vocational training system in disaster management education in disaster management education, from the change of regime to present days.


Government Resolution No. 1168/2019 (III. 28) on the adoption of the strategy “Vocational training 4.0 -“ Medium-term vocational policy strategy for the renewal of vocational training and adult education, response of the vocational training system to the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution” and measures necessary for its implementation

Government Decree No. 150/2012 (VII. 6) on the procedure of amending the Government Decree No. 229/2019. (IX. 30) on the National Training Register and on the amendment of the National Training Register

The 2013 LXXVII. Act on Adult Education

The 2019 LXXX. Vocational Training Act

Government Decree No. 12/2020 (II. 7) on the implementation of the Vocational Training Act

Government Decree 11/2020 on the implementation of the Adult Education Act. (II. 7.)

Ministry of Interior Decree No. 9/2015 (III. 25) on the professional requirements and professional training of employees of professional disaster management bodies, municipal and facility fire brigades, voluntary fire brigade associations and related sectors

How to Cite
PappA. (2023). Tasks related to the transformation of the hungarian vocational training system in disaster management education, from the change of regime to present days. Defence Science, 7(2), 275-293. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13630