Examination of modelling possibilities from the point of view of urban water infrastructures I.

Keywords: flod, risk, model, infrastructure, precipitation, runoff, planning


Due to the natural variability and uncertainty of the weather, water management faces significant challenges in many areas. The first step in the strategy should begin with an assessment of current and future flood risks. The risk assessment must be carried out in an integrated manner; all water-related risk factors must be identified. The hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of these risk factors should be modelled in the context of floodplain management. Many different contingencies need to be modelled in order to infer the likelihood of future changes in urban floods. These types of models provide information on the frequency and magnitude of expected floods, thereby identifying areas exposed to flooding. Given the length of the topic, the paper is presented as a two-part series of articles. The first part of the article series aims to examine the modelling options for water utility infrastructure from the perspective of municipal water utility infrastructure. In the second part of the article series, urban runoff will be examined and the main model features will be presented.


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How to Cite
MrekvaL. (2023). Examination of modelling possibilities from the point of view of urban water infrastructures I. Defence Science, 7(2), 228-241. Retrieved from https://ojs.mtak.hu/index.php/vedelemtudomany/article/view/13628