Analysis and evaluation of growing trends in natural disasters and events from a disaster management point of view

Keywords: natural disasters, safety, disaster management, firefighting marches


Natural disasters have always existed and will always do so. Their devastating effects have been exerted several times in the history of mankind, erasing civilizations or making daily lives of societies more difficult. Some geographical regions and areas are more affected by natural events, so it is necessary to localise their probability of occurrence, as well as their damaging effects. This show how current the topic is. In order to determine how current the topic is, the author conducted a keyword literature search, with which, in addition to the Hungarian and foreign literature supply of the topic itself, he also examined quantitative and qualitative indicators. In this paper, the author examined the conceptual framework of the disaster on an international and domestic level, on the basis of which the author identified the causes of natural and civilizational (anthropogenic) disasters affecting security. After their typing, the quantitative variables (figures for natural disasters registered worldwide) were analysed statistically on the basis of several databases and thousands of data. The paper covers the tendencies of fires and technical rescues, taking into account the statistics of firefighting marches in Hungary, examining – and possibly proving – the professional cliché and the statement that certain meteorological phenomena and climatic extremities are an additional burden to firefighting marches.


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How to Cite
TeknősL. (2023). Analysis and evaluation of growing trends in natural disasters and events from a disaster management point of view. Defence Science, 7(2), 166-197. Retrieved from